Sanctuary review

Sanctuary is one of my new shows that my kids and I have been watching on Blinkx. My sister told me about it and I got curious. Watched all three seasons and couldn't get enough. The show has everything a Sci-Fi geek could want. Monster, strangeness, humor and cool gadgets. I highly recommend the show. It takes a bit of getting into for the first couple of episodes, like any new show that you watch. But, after that it gets sooooo goooood!! Love this show!

The X Files review

X-Files has to be my all time favorite show. I love Scully and Mulder. I have seen nearly all of the episodes and both of the movies. I highly recommend this show for anyone who likes unexplained or craziness. Best show ever!!

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess review

This was the best game I ever played. I played this game on the Gamecube. I don't have a WII. Loved the graphics and the challenges. I played this with my kids which made it a lot more fun. I highly recommend this game.

The Waltons review

I grew up watching The Waltons. I have recently been watching all of the series again on Youtube. It's better then I remember. I guess because I'm older now, it has more meaning. I do a lot of crying. I think John Boy is very cute. I love this show. Brings back a lot of memories from a more simpler time.

Firefly review

I discovered this show after watching the movie Serenity. This show is so funny. Love the characters, because they are very real to life. I would have to say Jayne if my favorite character. His love of big guns is hilarious. I would recommend this show to anyone above the age of 14 yrs. It's great!

The Vampire Diaries review

I love the Vampire Diaries. There are only two shows I watch during the week and it's one of them. Merlin is the other. My husband and kids have game night so that I can watch Vampire Diaries alone. Which is very thoughtful of my husband. Love, love ,love this show.